March 22, 2023

UNIMED associated members rise to 153 universities


UNIMED is glad to announce that the network has grown in number of associated members.
Ten new universities from the Euro-Mediterranean region have formally completed their association process bringing the network to count on 153 members from 25 countries. UNIMED welcomes the following universities:

  • Chadli Benjedid University of El Tarf, Algeria
  • University of Saida Dr. Moulay Tahar, Algeria
  • International Burch University, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • University for Business and Technology, Kosovo
  • University of Garmian, Iraq
  • Islamic University of Al Saied Mohamed Bin Ali Al Sanussi, Libya
  • Al Asmarya Islamic University, Libya
  • Al-Istiqlal University, Palestine
  • OSTIM Technical University, Turkey
  • Hadhramout University, Yemen

Here you can see the full list of the UNIMED members and if you wish to learn more on how to join our association you can read  more information here.