April 14, 2020

UNIMED joins the UNESCO Global Education Coalition


In this challenging times when the Covid-19 outbreak is causing severe difficulties to education all over the world, UNIMED is glad to join the Global Education Coalition launched by UNESCO.

The Global Education Coalition seeks to facilitate inclusive learning opportunities for children and youth during this period of sudden and unprecedented educational disruption.

UNIMED is pleased to contribute to the collective effort to find appropriate solutions in the current emergency context. As part of the COVID-19 response, UNIMED will support universities to bring together their expertise to build the missing links for education to continue remotely, and to ensure that responses today valorise local differences, and help to build more resilient societies and democratic access to education in the future.

In particular, UNIMED will launch a campaign among its members aimed to collect open online educational contents which can be made freely available to universities and students in multiple languages. Moreover, UNIMED will offer free technical assistance to Southern Mediterranean Universities in order to identify solutions and disseminate good practices shared by its member universities. 

Read here to find out more on UNESCO’s COVID-19 Education Response!