March 22, 2023

UNIMED members and partners together to strengthen their commitment in the Mediterranean and beyond


We have many challenges to face on many common themes and priorities: Climate change, environment, migration, university governance, digital education, employability, and much more. But the most important commitment is to strengthen, day after day, the reasons for our being together as an antidote to barbarism, and for a Mediterranean that can finally turn into an open and inclusive area. Let’s stop more tragedies. Let’s hinder indifference. Let’s affirm the freedom of all women and men. Let’s promote a Mediterranean, inclusive, open, and dynamic citizenship. Marcello Scalisi, UNIMED Director

On March 15th and 16th, 2023 the University of Granada hosted the UNIMED General Assembly titled Boosting Academic Alliances For Peace And Security.

100 participants coming from the UNIMED associated universities and from the international partner institutions met on this occasion where many priorities were discussed.

The Assembly was also the occasion to collect Universities’ contributions in view of the Ministerial Conference on Higher Education launched by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) whose work and plan were presented during the Assembly.

The role of the Universities for the global security and stability and as main actors at the crossroad of education, research, innovation and employability and the key and strategic role of the students all over the Mediterranean region and beyond were the leitmotiv of the Assembly.

Universities alliances, digital education, University governance, freedom and autonomy were discussed all along the two days event as well.

In parallel with the UNIMED General Assembly, the University of Granada also hosted the 4th Edition of the Start Cup Competition, an event launched in the framework of the UNIMED SubNetwork on Employability aiming at enhancing students and youth committment for innovative, entrepreneurial and green initiatives. In this edition the team of the Moroccan University Ibn Tofail of Kenitra was awarded for its innovative idea (read the article here).

During this Assembly the new UNIMED President and the new Board of Directors were elected (read the article here) and new Universities were confirmed as members of the network (read the article here).

A photo gallery of the event is available here and you can watch at the following links the sessions streamed online: Openings and Key Note Speeches