July 4, 2023

UNIMED met the Kurdish associated universities


On June 22, 2023, UNIMED met the associated universities from the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The meeting was hosted by Duhok Polytechnic University (DPU) in Duhok, Kurdistan, and saw the participation of all the Kurdish associated universities: Duhok Polytechnic University, Sulaymania Polytechnic University, University of Duhok, University of Garmian, University of Zakho*. Moreover, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in KRG, represented by Dr. Hawkar Rashid Arab, Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation, also attended the meeting. From the UNIMED side, Ms. Silvia Marchionne, Project Manager, and Ms. Martina Zipoli, Project Manager, attended the meeting on behalf of the UNIMED Director. Mr. Marcello Scalisi. The main purposes of the meeting were indeed to present the UNIMED current initiatives and projects, to introduce the work of the network to the new members, to discuss potential opportunities for better cooperation with the Kurdish members, as well as to plan a national strategic agenda for mutual collaboration.

“We would like to strengthen more and more our cooperation with the Kurdistan region of Iraq and try to serve your academic community” – said Ms. Silvia Marchionne, UNIMED Project Manager. 

The Kurdish members shared their positive experience during these years of collaboration with UNIMED, in particular the University of Zakho, that took part in the UNIMED Start Cup Competition with one student, awarded the third place; and DPU, that has two students taking part in the UNIMED Award in the Venice Film Festival next September 2023; or the University of Duhok that shared great satisfaction with all the initiatives and projects they have participated in during these years of membership. The current Kurdish members are also partners of the APPRAIS project and the TeachersMOD project.

*the universities are listed by alphabetical order.