October 10, 2019

UNIMED promotes the “Declaration on ecosystem-based approaches to protect and manage the biodiversity in the Mediterranean region”


“The Universities and research centres, as our associates, should tackle these issues by promoting knowledge-sharing and professional training in relevant fields as it currently the case with the Enbrain, MAYA or ILHAM-EC projects (three Erasmus+ projects involving UNIMED focused on curricula development, respectively renewable and sustainable energy, on integrated water and agriculture management and on Sustainable Land Management) – continued Dr. Scalisi – taking stock of these experiences, UNIMED is going further with its involvement in the MED Biodiversity Community featured by the PANACeA project.”

Through the Declaration, the Biodiversity Protection Community is urging Mediterranean stakeholders to adopt a holistic, integrated, ecosystem-based and cross-cutting approach for the conservation and management of the coastal and marine environment and to support collaborative mechanisms, tools and actions. The Declaration provides the operational framework for the capitalization of the outcomes and data collected by the projects, drafted in form of guidance, policy and governance recommendations. This declaration is based on the reflections and results of the more than 200 partner organizations of the Biodiversity Protection Community active in European Mediterranean coastal areas.

The MED Biodiversity Community’s Declaration will be officially presented at the Biodiversity Protection Community final event “Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: a pulse for transformative changes in the Mediterranean Sea“, 14-16 October 2019, Malaga (Spain).

The Declaration is accessible for consultation in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Montenegrin and Arabic here

PANACeA is the project featuring the Biodiversity Protection Community under the umbrella of the Interreg MED Programme and co-funded by the ERDF – European regional development fund of the European Union. The PANACeA partnership, which involves UNIMED, has the objective to streamline networking and management efforts in Mediterranean Protected Areas (PAs) as a mechanism to enhance nature conservation and protection in the region. The project aims at ensuring synergies between relevant Mediterranean stakeholders –including managers, policymakers, socio-economic actors, civil society and the scientific community, and to increase the visibility and impacts of their projects’ results towards common identified strategic targets.

If you are interested in learning more please visit: https://biodiversity-protection.interreg-med.eu/

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