September 15, 2022

UNIMED stands up for expanding Complementary Education Pathways at EAIE2022


The 32nd Annual Conference of EAIE, European center for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalization of higher education, is taking place 13–16 September in the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain.

The conference programme includes a wide range of sessions, networking events and inspiring plenaries.

The UNIMED Director, Marcello Scalisi, participated in the Session entitled “A European solution to a global challenge: expanding higher education pathways for refugee students” sharing with the EAIE community the UNIMED’s commitment to advance programming on Complementary Education Pathways.


The main challenges to be considered when expanding Complementary Education Pathways were discussed with high-level experts, in addition to growing priorities, such as how to involve the leadership of HEIs or how to strengthen networks in the first country of asylum that could support programming (HEI, NGOs, UN, etc.).

The UNIMED Director illustrated the engagement of the association in the framework of the membership in the Global Task Force for Third country education pathways, which promotes and supports the expansion of tertiary education as a complementary pathway for refugee students.

Members of the task force include representatives of states, regional and international bodies, the private sector, NGOs, refugee representatives, UN agencies, and donors who are engaged in or supporting complementary education pathways and are committed to expanding tertiary education opportunities as a durable solution for refugee students.

Moreover, the UNIMED’ s projects aimed to a more accessible and inclusive education were presented, such as SAFE, funded by AMIF, or UNI(di)VERSITY, an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships project.

The UNIMED Director reiterated the urgence to activate collaborations between the universities of the two shores of the Mediterranean for the implementation of complementary pathways and urged the university governance to commit to promote safe and regulated avenues for refugees to travel from their country of asylum to a third country to pursue tertiary education.
