December 15, 2020

UNIMED SubNetwork on Mediterranean Tourism: the beginning of new collaborations


On December 9, 2020 the members of the UNIMED SubNetwork on Mediterranean Tourism met, virtually, for the first time on the occasion of the SubNetwork Opening Webinar.

Organised by UNIMED in collaboration with the University of Jordan and University of Girona, respectively the coordinator and co-coordinator of the SubNetwork, the webinar aimed at meeting all the members, to let them introduce themselves and present what are the research fields and activities of universities on the topic of Tourism.

Besides that, the coordinator, chaired by Prof. Ziad Alrawadieh and the co-coordinator, chaired by prof. Konstantina Zerva, shared a plan of proposal activities to be implemented and the topics of thematic webinars to be organised among the activities of the SubNetwork during the upcoming months.

Among the activities and to strengthen the collaboration & networking, the members will meet regularly and through the exchange of reflections and topics of investigation, they will contribute to the production of a SubNetwork Newsletter. Furthermore thematic webinars will be organised, involving also external experts, and opportunities for joint publications and initiatives will be followed up.

The topic of Tourism is very relevant in the Mediterranean area and perhaps even more relevant now because of the current situation with the pandemic emergency. For this reason, this was considered the right moment to officially start the SubNetwork and offer a proper space within the UNIMED network to discuss this topic.

The participation and the contribution from the current members and new members of the SubNetwork was very active. Participants from Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Portugal and Spain contributed in the definition of the plan of activities and of the topics to be addressed in the thematic webinars.

To know more about the SubNetwork on Mediterranean Tourism, visit the dedicated page on UNIMED website.

The participation in the SubNetwork is open only to UNIMED associated Universities. If you are interested in participating in the SubNetwork, please write to