May 5, 2023

University Governance: Training of Trainees sessions in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


It is time to transfer knowledge! Eight Kurdish Universities, partners of the APPRAIS project, are starting their local Training of Trainees (ToT) while the project is moving on towards the end.

Eight ToT sessions will take place during May and June 2023 organised and hosted by each of the Kurdish university participating in the project. Each training session, focusing on the main topic of the University Governance, will see the involvement of the universities staff for almost a week of work.

Trainers and trainees will work to develop strategic planning, to know better quality assurance mechanisms – internal and external quality – and to reinforce the internationalisation dimension of their University by strengthening the capacities and the know-how of the international relations office staff in learning mobility, credits recognition and international cooperation. An important component of the ToT is the Bologna process implementation in the different colleges and departments, which is at the core of the Kurdish Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s strategy and the leitmotiv of the APPRAIS project. 

Most of the trainers of these sessions have participated, all along the project implementation, to the activities organised to build and strenghten capacities, such as the training week in Oslothe training week in Sulaimaniya and the field visits first in Pisa and Évora then in Rome and Murcia.

Then, during the Restitution and Harmonization Workshop held in Erbil last February 27 and 28, jointly organised by UNIMED – coordinator of the APPRAIS project – and the Kurdish Ministry, the universities set up the programs for the sessions, discussing about the challenges and the topics to be put in the agenda and, at the same time, defining the profiles of trainers and trainees.

To know more about the project, please visit

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