PRIDE Project is Professionals in Doctoral Education: Supporting skills development to better contribute to a European knowledge society.
UNIMED participates in this project in quality of Partner and its participation in this event is represented by Dr. Marcello Scalisi – UNIMED Executive Director.
Pride Project is granted within the LLP Program framework, the applicant for this project is Vienna University.
The other partners are Unica network, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Fundacion Universida Empresa of the region Murcia, Comenius University Bratislava, University of Zagreb, Humboldt University Berlin, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Tallin University.
The PRIDE project brings together a consortium with the aim of collaborating together on providing tools to professionalize administrative staff in the area of doctoral education.
In the project the professionalization of administrative staff is characterized by
1) an increase in formal status of administrative positions,
2) an increase in the requirements for formal qualification and training to hold specific administrative positions, and
3) the growth and formalisation of networks.
In order to fulfill its overarching aim, this project will provide tools and guidance in order to support current and future professionals in doctoral education.
This will be done through analysis and clarification of administrators’ roles and responsibilities, exchange of best practice in terms of support for doctoral education and the development of workshops and training courses.
Furthermore, through the formalization of a new international network for professionals in doctoral education, the need for lifelong learning and continuous improvement in this area will be addressed.