In the framework of the Erasmus Days 2022 celebrations, the project APPRAIS “governAnce, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform PRrocess in kurdistAn regIon of Iraq” organises a free webinar focusing on Bologna process, quality assurance and internationalisation in higher education.
The Bologna process implementation in the HEIs of the Kurdistan region of Iraq: good practices and challenges
The webinar aims to discuss the challenges of governance, quality assurance and internationalisation of higher education institutions, with a particular focus on the implementation of Bologna process in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The webinar will be of interest to the actors involved in reviewing their Higher Education systems for an improved quality assurance of teaching, research and third mission, as well a larger internationalisation, and to all those interested in applying the Bologna process principles and good practices in higher education.
Date and Time
14 October 2022, 10:00am-11:00 am CET
The Agenda of the webinar is available HERE.
The webinar will be held in English.
The webinar is free and all are welcomed to join. To join please register following this link:
After the registration you will receive a confirmation email with the necessary details to participate in the webinar.