On March 31st 2021, from 9.30 to 11.00 CEST, the UNIMED SubNetwork on Safety and Security of Critical Infrastructures kicked-off a series of thematic webinars dedicated to a wide range of topics related to critical infrastructures. First of the series was a meeting dedicated to Water Infrastructures.
The aim of the webinar was to explore and discuss a number of topics related to water infrastructures: from water leaking and detection systems to smart water networks, from long-term water security to adaptations related to climate change, from the water energy nexus to extending systemic risk to resilience management. The 6 speakers were from 5 different countries (Italy, Jordan, Palestine, Cyprus and Egypt) and presented their own experiences and research to the audience.
At the end of the webinar, many interesting inputs for further cooperation raised up and attendees showed the strong willingness to move further in collaboration.
The webinar highlighted the high level of interdisciplinarity of critical infrastructures, as well as the potential synergies opened by collaborations across countries and across the Mediterranean.
The Agenda of the webinar on Safety and security of Water Infrastructures is available here and the recording of the session is here below.
The speakers used PPT during the session, which stay for your further reference here:
- Accurate leakage detection in waterworks using pressure sensors: advanced transforms-based processing. Dr. Aimé Lay-Ekuakille, Permanent and Supervisor of Measurement and Instrumentation Lab, University of Salento.
- Long-term water security under climate change. Dr. Khaldoun Shatanawi, Director of Water, Energy and Environment Center, University of Jordan.
- Strategic approaches to climate change adaptation. Dr. Rana Samara, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie.
- Water Energy Nexus. Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Professor and Project coordinator, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jordan.
- Security and emergency response technologies for smart water networks. Dr. Demetrios Eliades, KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus.
- Extending the concepts of systemic risk to resilience management: a step towards integrating risk and resilience into a broader science of danger. Dr. Fouad Khalaf, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
For further information about the SubNetwork, please check the SubNetwork webpage and reach out to us!