The conference “Youth and Employability in MENA: Better Skills, More Jobs ” took place in Cairo on July 9-10, 2017. The event was organised by the Center for Mediterranean Integration – CMI, based in Marseille, in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Investement and International Cooperation, the World Bank and other international partners, such as Anna Lindh Foundation, AFD and UNIMED.
This two-day conference aimed to leverage existing research and analytical tools/frameworks to identify the main binding constraints afflicting youth employment in the MENA region, and explore the role of business climate, labour and education policies in mitigating those challenges.
The conference bridged theory with practical applications by focusing on international good practices related to the design and implementation features of policies that can help youth connect to jobs, start a new business, or manage periods of inactivity or unemployment.
Promoting job creation for youth requires the involvement of a myriad of government and non-government actors across different sectors. As such, the conference targeted both policy makers and technical experts from different MENA governments and agencies, international organisations, private sector and civil society. It has lead to the identification of concrete policy and operational recommendations to tackle some of the region’s most pressing job challenges for youth.
The RESUME project was present on the first day July 9th at session 4: Education and Skills: What Really Works.
UNIMED, through the moderation of Silvia Marchionne from the UNIMED International Projects Unit, also chaired the panel on July 10th: How can mobility and cultural exchange promote entrepreneurship and regional integration?
To download the key results of the Conference click here.
To have a look at the photo gallery of the event and to read what the press said about the event, click here.