A “Call for papers Land MDPI “Urban Regeneration in Mediterranean Landscapes”” has been launched by Luís Mendes and Anna Trono running by the journal /Land/(IF 3.905, ISSN 2073-445X) as Special Issue entitled “Urban Regeneration in Mediterranean Landscapes”.
Land is an international peer-reviewed open access monthly journal published by MDPI.
The deadline for submisson is 10 March 2023
Special Issue Information
Urban regeneration has already existed in urban studies and in urban and regional planning for some decades, having emerged in the 1980s in the Western world, and is one of the most successful strategies to revitalize the urban fabric, boost the economy, create jobs, and energize communities’ quality of life and well being. Urban regeneration essentially appears as a deliberate attempt by urban and regional planning to counteract the forces and factors that, in a given situation, are the cause of urban degeneration. Several experiments carried out in the last half century have shown—through holistic and strategic interventions from the point of view of their implementation, partnerships, and stakeholders—that sustainability and resilience can be enhanced in urban areas, from an economic, social, and environmental point of view. However, indirectly and when insufficiently implemented, urban regeneration processes are also responsible for triggering or aggravating phenomena of gentrification, residential segregation, and other socio-spatial inequalities that contradict their initial mission of promoting social and territorial cohesion in cities. For a long time, urban regeneration has not been limited to the Western world, but has extended to all urban contexts in the developed and developing world; today, it is necessary to deepen the knowledge about its evolution in different geographical contexts, namely, in terms of Mediterranean urban landscapes. It was not only the geographic framework that expanded, since conceptually, the notion of urban regeneration also unfolded into several thematic areas, taking into account the forces of urban transformation that motivate it: retail-led urban regeneration, cultural-led urban regeneration, state-led urban regeneration, tourism-led urban regeneration, housing-led urban regeneration, etc.
The main aim of this Special Issue is to deepen knowledge on the various frontlines of research on urban regeneration, but at the Mediterranean scale, therefore focusing mainly on case studies from Southern Europe and North Africa, filling in some gaps in the analysis of this topic in this specific geographical context. In this way, it will help to broaden the scope of the comparative analysis produced worldwide on the subject.
The studies and papers of this Special Issue are expected to address the following aims:
- Review the history and context of urban regeneration;
- Focus on managing urban regeneration;
- Consider land use issues with the occurrence of urban regeneration;
- Discuss monitoring and evaluation urban regeneration processes, its stakeholders, partnerships, funding issues, and impacts;
- The critical analysis of urban regeneration projects in the enhancement of social, economic, and environmental sustainability;
- Opportunities, challenges, and threats of gentrification and touristification and the need for reinvention of urban regeneration projects to avoid these collateral damages;
- The relevant role of urban regeneration in the implementation of energy policies through the energy rehabilitation of buildings;
- The connection of urban regeneration with urban policies (social, economic, and cultural) and methodologies and instruments of regional and urban planning;
- The contribution of urban regeneration to the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
Dr. Luís Mendes
Dr. Anna Trono
Dr. Teresa Tapada-Berteli
Guest Editors
Information about the call and all the instructions are available at this page.
You can also contact Prof. Anna Trono or the editorial board at buzatu@mdpi.com or land@mdpi.com