June 15, 2023

Environmental transition in Higher Education. Contribute to the joint study AUF and NEEDE MEDITERRANEE by June 30th, 2023


Climate change has a very strong impact on populations and habitats in the Mediterranean. A real change must be initiated and be at the heart of everyone’s concerns. This consideration cannot be done without the growing commitment of universities, which provide training in environmental challenges, propose solutions and build new skills.

Based on this observation, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and Neede Méditerranée have developed a questionnaire to investigate the environmental transition in Higher Education in the countries of the Mediterranean basin in order to carry out a joint study.

With the data obtained, it will be possible to have an overview of the current commitments, to determine the areas to be developed and offer more in-depth support to the Higher Education Institutions.

You can contribute to this investigation replying to the questionnaire, in the language you prefer: 

English: https://form.dragnsurvey.com/survey/r/28eeac2e

French: https://form.dragnsurvey.com/survey/r/e96c3e8a

Arabic: https://form.dragnsurvey.com/survey/r/e151fa45

The deadline for sending your contribution is set at 30 June 2023.

More information is available here.