September 4, 2024

Global mapping of Higher Education opportunites for Refugees – a Survey launched by UNHCR and Times Higher Education


UNHCR and Times Higher Education (THE) launched a Survey aiming at the mapping – at a global level – of the Higher Education opportunities for refugees.

The Survey is available at this link:

The survey will collect data on refugee and asylum seeker enrolments, scholarship opportunities, and practices on empowering refugee and asylum seeker higher education and will support the collective goal to achieve 15% enrolment of refugees in higher education by 2030.

The launching organisations need only one comprehensive answer per institution, which represents the perspective of the entire institution. Therefore, they kindly encourage internal coordination and consultation with colleagues to gather the necessary information before completing the online survey.

Institutions can use this questionnaire in PDF format in order to collect all the necessary data prior to completing the online questionnaire. The PDF version of the survey is available for download in EnglishFrenchArabicGermanSpanishTurkish and Russian.

All translations of the PDF version are also available for download at this link: