February 2, 2021

Launch of 2021 Social Innovation Tournament Edition



The applications for the Social Innovation Tournament (SIT) are open from 1 February to 3 March. The SIT, the EIB Institute Social Programme flagship initiative, recognises and supports the best European social entrepreneurs whose primary purpose is to generate a social, ethical or environmental impact. Projects can cover any of the 17 SDGs and this year’s Special Category Prize will go to projects focusing on sustainable living.

To mark the tenth anniversary of the SIT, winning projects in both the General and Special Categories will be awarded a first or second prize of €75 000 or €30 000 respectively, and an Audience Choice Award of €10 000.

Two projects are selected to attend INSEAD’s Social Entrepreneurship Programme. In addition to this, each finalist joins the #SITAlumni network which offers them great opportunities, namely access to a network of experts, training events and programmes, invitations for pitching events and conferences.

The tournament runs in two rounds. A Selection Committee selects the 15 finalists. The finalists participate in a tailor-made training programme (Mentoring Bootcamp, e-training on pitching, one-to-one coaching sessions, Rehearsal Bootcamp) to provide them with the necessary guidance to finalise their proposals and prepare them for the Final Event where all the finalists have to present and defend their project to a jury of social innovation specialists.

For more information and guidelines on the application process follow this link and have a look at this video