February 16, 2019

Scholarships for Summer Schools at University of Pisa (Italy) for Southern Mediterranean



(Rome, 16 February 2019) The University of Pisa, Member of UNIMED, has a very complete offer of summer schools in many disciplines for the upcoming months.  It is possible to have a look at the complete catalogue here: https://issuu.com/summerschool-unipi/docs/summer_school_unipi

Each Faculty will sponsor the participation of nationals from specific countries, according to the criteria set by each school, via the assignment of a certain number grants for the participation of nationals from the southern shore of the Mediterranean and Balkans, particularly: Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Syrian Arab Republic, Yemen, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Turkey.

We invite all potential interest applicants to have a look at the website with the full offer and, if interested, get in touch with the University of Pisa at the following e-mail addresses:  cooperations@unipi.it; support.summerschool@unipi.it

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