November 9, 2020

SDSN Med Report 2020 on the Mediterranean Sustainable Development


The SDSN Mediterranean, the regional hub for the Mediterranean area of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN), published the Report on the Mediterranean Sustainable Development, which investigates the Mediterranean Countries’ trends towards the SDGs and promotes an in-depth analysis of the recommended policies for the sustainability of the region.

The online presentation and debate jointly organized by SDSN Mediterranean and Santa Chiara Lab – University of Siena, will be held on November 12, at 15.15 (CET).

The event, with the participation of the Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean Ambassador Nasser Kamel, will host the key-note speech by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, leader of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and outstanding expert in sustainable development.

More information on the event and the link to register are available here.