AnimalBIOMED aims at contributing to the internationalization of the Sicilian university system and at developing, through a training activity addressed to researchers focused on Animal experimental models in Biomedics, a long lasting network of experts among partners universities involved.

This will be possible also thank to the delivery of training modules in synchronous and asynchronous mode through innovative methodologies aimed at creating an integrated and inclusive virtual class, in scientific areas such as histology and microscopic anatomy but also through the introduction to the main laboratory techniques of cell biology and also through innovative theoretical practical lessons in the field of molecular biology, genetics, pharmacology and diagnostic applications.

The project will share good practices and innovation, contributing at strengthening the collaboration, contacts and exchange of knowledge with the countries of the Mediterranean basin (namely Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia), for the improvement of the key competences of PhD students / researchers, leading the promotion of international opportunities and mobility for education and training purposes in their area and promoting the internationalisation of their universities

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Full Name

Scientific research training in the Mediterranean area: ANIMAL experimental models in BIOMEDICAL research



PO-FSE Sicilia 2014-2020

Project Duration

Start Date: June 1, 2021
End Date: March 31, 2023

Contact Person

Federica Li Muli

