The BASE project project aims to elevate higher education in Palestine and Jordan by implementing the Bologna Process in one program chosen from the multiple programs in the colleges of science at each partner university in Palestine and Jordan. The project will utilise Bologna’s standards and philosophy to develop these selected programs by creating curricula and establishing the context and environment supporting this development at each HEIs.


To achieve this goal, and in partnership with the European universities involved in the project, project partners will work on three levels:

  • Regulatory Level: addressing regulations and instructions governing the higher education system in Palestine and Jordan, including quality, accreditation, and certificate equivalency requirements at the national level.
  • University Level: by focusing on bylaws and instructions that govern the academic process and lead to the awarding of a bachelor’s degree in basic sciences (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Maths) in line with approved quality standards.
  • Program Study Plan Level: by building academic staff capacity in the design of courses, selection of learning and teaching methods, development of methodologies for evaluating student performance, and measurement of learning outcomes, ensuring these standards align with the principles of the Bologna Process.


Accordingly, this project necessitates the development of pertinent laws and regulations at the national higher education level (ministries and accreditation bodies) in both Palestine and Jordan, aligning with the Bologna Process. The formulated regulations should address the requirements for recognizing degrees in both Palestine and Jordan.

Additionally, the project will concentrate on enhancing the academic context in partner universities by formulating relevant academic regulations, bylaws, and instructions. This ensures the smooth implementation of the developed programs once the necessary accreditations are obtained.

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Full Name

Bologna for Science Education in Palestine and Jordan


€ 873.749,16


Erasmus+, KA2 – Capacity building in the field of higher education – Strand 3

Project Duration

Start Date: November 1, 2024
End Date: October 31, 2027

Project No.


Contact Person

Cristina Stefanelli


