COMMO is a project financed by the European Commission – Erasmus+ KA1 Program which consists in the implementation of mobility exchanges for staff and university students to and from the Italian universities that make up the consortium of the same name, coordinated by UNIMED.

The seventh edition of the project involves Italian universities and partner universities from Albania, Kosovo, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya and Syria. 225 mobilities were financed.

The specific objectives that the consortium aims to meet are as follows:

  • Contributing to the improvement of the international dimension of higher education and training, in particular through cooperation between higher education institutions in Italy and partner institutions, primarily through the promotion of mobility experiences and cooperation and strengthening intercultural dialogue.
  • Supporting the students in acquiring skills and abilities (such as learning new languages) in order to develop their academic profile and ensure new job opportunities;
  • Aiming at a deeper understanding of the cultures of the different countries involved, providing participants with the opportunity to create international partnerships, to participate actively in the social life of their country and to the development of a Euro Mediterranean identity;
  • Facilitating and simplifying administration, bureaucratic and organizational management of mobility activities both in the preparatory phases and during the implementation of the project.


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Full Name

Cooperation in the Mediterranean through Mobility of students and staff



€ 662.265,00


Erasmus+, KA1 – International Credit Mobility

Project Duration

Start Date: August 1, 2022
End Date: July 31, 2025

Project No.


Contact Person

Arianna Barletta & Federica Li Muli

