By bringing together all the 13 Tunisian public universities, the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education (MESRS) and two other very important players such as the ANPR and the IEAQA, the DIRASA Project has the objective to contribute to the improvement of the university research governance in Tunisia by promoting dialogue and scientific cooperation between the actors of the Tunisian national research system. In particular, DIRASA aims to strengthen the capacities of strategic monitoring and scientific foresight process through the improvement of the skills of university staff, by enhancing the visibility of university research and by developing interactions between research and the socio-economic environment. Because of these objectives, DIRASA highlight the new technologies in higher education that are needed for the development of the higher education sector and for its links with society through the creation of a Network at a national level where universities, research units and laboratories, research centres work together to apply the research products into the local context. Three are the main target groups of the project’s actions: the leaders (rectors, vice-rectors, heads of institutions and departments, deans and vice-deans in charge of university research) of Tunisian universities; administrative and academic staff as well as those in charge of research management and administration, who are responsible for the operational management of research; and finally, researchers and doctoral students, who will benefit from the training provided by the project. In addition to these target groups, there are also representatives of general society (policy makers, other national and local institutions that are not consortium partners) who will actively participate in the cooperation workshop still planned by the project.

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Full Name

Définition d’un renouvellement de la gouvernance de la recherche en Tunisie



€ 979.303,00


Erasmus+, KA2 – Capacity building in the field of higher education – Strand 3

Project Duration

Start Date: February 1, 2023
End Date: January 31, 2026

Project No.


Contact Person

Silvia Marchionne s.marchionne@uni-med.net

