eMEDia aimed at contributing to the modernisation of the Higher Education sector in Tunisia through a bottom-up approach for the design and pilot of a first level professional Master Course in Cross-Media Journalism.
The aim of the professional Master Course is to train young people studying communication and journalism and the young professionals in the journalism sector who wish to develop digital and cross-media journalism skills in a glocal perspective, focused on the local community and with global interests. Cross-media journalism skills is represented by the capability to use video, audio, text, and new communication platforms (social media, blogs, etc.) to produce journalistic contents.
The professional Master Course was designed by means of a participatory approach, involving teachers from the EU and Tunisia, students and professional journalists. Teachers were provided with the required skills for the (participatory) design and (joint) delivery of the Master Course through a set of capacity building initiatives: online Resource Repository for Training, online Social Space for discussion and study visits at the EU partner institutions. The length of the Master Course is of 2 years and corresponds to 120 ECTS. The first year was piloted during the lifetime of the project.
A bottom-up approach for the design and pilot of a joint Master Course in Cross-Media Journalism
UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union is a not-for-profit association with its headquarters in Rome, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244, Italy