EPISODE aims to empower continuing vocational education and training providers to enhance the resilience, digital readiness, and growth of social entrepreneurship, micro-businesses, MSMEs, and early-stage start-ups in Palestine, with a focus on producing public prosperity. This will be achieved by defining future skills needed for social entrepreneurs in the digital era, aligning such skills to the local unique Palestinian context. The project will upskill teachers/trainers and mentors on innovative tools, online teaching techniques and pedagogies, cutting-edge technologies and trends in digital social entrepreneurship, and it will involve them in co-creating a blended course on Digital Social Entrepreneurship. The course will be piloted with youth who aspire to become entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs and early startups, empowering them to use digital transformation tools and models in order to either expand and improve their operations, or to initiate a social enterprise.
The EPISODE approach will be available for the public and transferable in interested institutions and organisations that are willing to reinforce capacity and attractiveness of continuing vocational education. Moreover, the project will provide an open online microlearning unit on Digital Social Entrepreneurship, that will be available to all interested organisations and learners in English and Arabic.
Enhancing Palestinian Social and Digital Entrepreneurship
UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union is a not-for-profit association with its headquarters in Rome, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244, Italy