The challenge of the RAQMYAT project is to contribute to the emergence of a new Social Science and Humanities doctoral training model based on the existing legal framework in Tunisia. The methodological approach will be focused on the integration of digital technology in Tunisian doctoral students’ research training and the development of cross-disciplinary skills, necessary to their occupational integration. The activities carried out within this project will ensure the cooperation of partners with all the necessary actors, i.e doctoral students and their teachers, heads of universities and institutions, directors of doctoral schools and members of the sectoral doctoral committees and research laboratories

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Full Name

Stratégies numériques pour la formation doctorale en sciences humaines et sociales en Tunisie



Erasmus+, KA2 – Capacity building in the Field of higher education

Project Duration

Start Date: November 15, 2019
End Date: October 31, 2024

Project No.


Contact Person

Silvia Marchionne s.marchionne@uni-med.net

