In a period of unprecedented crisis that affects the economic, political, governmental and social sectors in Lebanon, the project Social Entrepreneurship in Time of crises (SE.TC) aims to improve the economic situation in Lebanon’s north, Bekaa and South region.
Our teachers-trainers as well as our students, enrolled in the higher education system, will receive training and coaching services to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit and culture. Consequently, they will share their acquired skills by engaging in community building activities among vulnerable groups.
The key aim of the project is to provide a way for active development of human capital, practical encouragement of social entrepreneurial activities and establishment of effective pathways to youth employment in strategic cooperation with different stakeholders, in vulnerable communities. It is about building the capacities of trainers and youth students-trainers in the process of creating a supportive entrepreneurial environment in their communities. Empowerment through acquiring entrepreneurial skills is the solution to unemployment, with a special focus on social entrepreneurship. Dedicated to serving the common good, the main objective is to empower teachers-trainers and students and enhance their innovative pedagogical approaches for the growth of social entrepreneurship, micro-businesses, and early-stage start-ups in rural regions in Lebanon. As for the indirect effect, the project will encourage local suppliers, empower customers, enhance competition, and create job opportunities which will reflect better employment, an improvement of the economic, social and environmental sustainability in the long run.
Social Entrepreneurship in Time of Crisis
UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union is a not-for-profit association with its headquarters in Rome, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244, Italy