Since 2014 UNIMED has committed its work to support Higher Education Institutions in crisis emergencies, promoting cooperation as a priority, through capacity building, mobility, exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge. In our view, Higher Education can represent the spine for the country’s reconstruction, for its future. Universities are the point of departure for civil society, a place where discussing reconstruction programmes, a space for experimenting and proposing solutions to a crisis that is likely to erode the social fabric.
In this long journey, we learnt that Universities can play a decisive role in easing the crises, in rebuilding competencies and shaping the future of countries. This is particularly true in the case of Libya.
UNIMED has started the collaboration with Libyan HEIs since 2015 in the framework of Erasmus plus programme through some projects of Capacity Building, while now our presence in the country is quite solid and we share a large spectrum of initiatives and activities with Libyan Higher Education system. In our opinion and due to our experience, Universities in Libya can really make the difference through empowerment and collaboration, being the University considered as a key player for stability by the local population. In 2018 UNIMED decided to launch the Libya Restart project, an institutional initiative aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the Libyan Higher Education System, through a research activity performed jointly by UNIMED staff and Libyan colleagues.
We spent one year collecting and analyzing data and documentation, discussing results with our friends in Libya, sharing ideas, making mistakes, finding alternative sources and interpretations. Libya Restart is the concrete result of our work.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hashtag/libyarestart
Report Methodology
The objective of the Libya Restart Report was to generate an overview over the Higher Education System in Libya. The research has been structured along three phases: a quantitative analysis, a qualitative analysis and a validation process by Libyan partners. UNIMED submitted a survey to 18 Libyan Universities, 16 responded. Universities were selected for their size and relevance at national level; their geographical distribution; to generate a balance between partners involved and not involved in EU funded projects; to involve the universities already in contact with UNIMED due to previous collaborations.
List of participating Universities
- University of Zawia
- Misurata University
- Sirte University
- Elmergib University
- Sabratha University
- Sebha University
- Libyan International Medical University
- University of Benghazi
- The University of Ajdabiya
- Omar Al-Mukhtar University
- Bani Waleed University
- Gharyan University
- University of Tripoli
- University of Aljufra
- Libyan Academy
- Asmarya University
Online Conference
UNIMED has organized a webinar and an online Conference in June 2020 to discuss the results of the Libya Restart analysis and advance in the dialogue on the needs of the Libyan HEIs.
An online meeting with Libyan Universities was organized on June 15th at 10.00 am CET, with the support of the EU Delegation in Libya and in cooperatin with the Libyan Ministry of Education and the Libyan National Erasmus Office Coordinator. The main purpose of the webinar on June 15th was to present the results of the analysis conducted, discuss and validate the Libya Restart recommendations, joinlty begin to imagine sustainable tailored actions.
After this preliminary discussion, a wider Libya Restart Conference was scheduled on June 24th at 10.00 am CET with Libyan Universities and international stakeholders, in the framework of the UNIMED Week in Brussels 2020 online, with the support of the EU Delegation in Libya and in cooperatin with the Libyan Ministry of Education and the Libyan National Erasmus Office Coordinator, with the aim to discuss concrete partnerships, actions and initiatives to support Libya’s future developments.
Both webinars were held through Zoom, the recodings are made available as Resources.
The main purpose of the online events was to discuss the Report results and to validate the Recommendations proposed. The Libya Restart Conference wanted to be the starting point for more operational initiatives in Libya for the benefit of the whole HE system, the country’s reconstruction and the developments of the entire Mediterranean region.
How to contribute
Shall you want to know more about the Libya Restart report, contribute to the discussion or share valuable resources and insights, please contact UNIMED at unimed@uni-med.net. We will be happy to know more!
The detailed Agenda of the webinar with Libyan Universities on June 15, 2020, available here.
The detailed Agenda of the Libya Restart Conference on June 24, 2020, is available here.
The main purpose of the Conference was to discuss the Report on Higher Education in Libya and the recommendations proposed by UNIMED, with the aim of defining concrete partnerships, actions and initiatives to support Libya’s future developments.
We are eager to present the results of the Libya Restart analysis and the tools developed to join the discussions.
- Executive summary in English
- Executive summary in Arabic
- Libya Restart full report
- Extract of Recommendations in English
- Extract of Recommendations in Arabic
- Universities Infographics reporting key data on each participating university
PPT presentations from the webinar with Libyan Universities (15/06/2020)
- PPT template for the online discussion
- Libya Restart A Journey Analysis, Marco Di Donato & Martina Zipoli, UNIMED research team
- Libya Restart, Mohamed Elrawemi, Elmergib University
- Libya Restart, Salma Bukhatwa, Libyan International Medical University
- Libya Restart, Saleh Ahmed Ben Khayyal, Al Asmariya University
PPT presentation from the Libya Restart Conference (24/06/2020)
- Libya Restart A Journey Analysis, UNIMED research team
Recording of the webinar with Libyan Universities (15/06/2020)
Recording of the Libya Restart Conference (24/06/2020)
Related Posts
- FB post on the webinar on June 15, 2020 [Tripoli University]
- News by the International Cooperation Office of the University of Zawia on the webinar on June 15, 2020 [University of Zawia]
- FB post on the Conference of June 24, 2020 [Tripoli University]
- Web post on the Sebha Universiy website on the Conference of June 24, 2020 [Sebha University]
- Libya Restart: a journey analysis. The final report is available! [UNIMED]
- Libya Restart: a journey analysis. Paving the way for cooperation and innovation in North Africa – Public Conference [UNIMED]
- Twitter Story on the Libya Restart Conference [UNIMED]
- Post on the Sabratha University website on the Conference of June 24, 2020 [Sabratha University]
- FB post on the Conference of June 24, 2020 [Elmergib University]
- FB post by LIMU on the Conference of June 24, 2020 [Libyan International Medical University]
- News on the participation of the NCQAA at the Conference of June 24, 2020 [National Centre for Qualiy Assurance and Accreditation of Educational and Training Institutes]
- Libya Restart: paving the way for future cooperation. Fill in the follow-up survey! [UNIMED]