It is now available the Report on the Public Consultation in view of the 1st Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Higher Education scheduled in November 2023 in Fez, Morocco.
The Report sums up the results of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Public Consultation on Higher Education that has involved the main Higher Education institutions and networks based or interacting in the Euro-Mediterranean area.
The conclusions of this consultation and collected in this Report will be presented to the attention of the ministers in charge of Higher Education to define new priorities of cooperation for the region, on the occasion of the UfM Ministerial Conference.
UNIMED has strongly contributed to this consultation involving all its associated Universities and carrying on a constant dialogue with UfM. During the last UNIMED General Assembly, held at the University of Granada on March 15 and 16, 2023, several moments of discussion were dedicated to the Higher Education priorities to further collect indications and proposals and contribute to the work of the first UfM Ministerial Meeting on Higher Education.
After the Consultation and the UNIMED General Assembly, a delegation of UNIMED members participated in Alicante, last March, to the regional dialogue meeting where all the inputs were finally incorporated in the report.
More information about the UfM Ministerial Meeting and about the report is available here.
You can download the report here